Sunday, July 05, 2009

You Wait Ages for a Fun Day...

...and then three come at once!

This weekend's my first back since our honeymoon - yesterday I visited three Quinton events along with other local Councillors, including Jane James and Deirdre Alden, our Parliamentary Spokesman.

First up was the Four Dwellings School Fun Day. There was a good assortment of stalls, a fire engine, a bouncy castle, a land train - plenty for everyone.

Next was the Ss Faith and Lawrence Fun Day. This included a demonstration by a kick-boxing champion - we kept our distance at that point!

Finally there was the Brownies Fun Day at Woodgate Valley Country Park. I had a go at the skipping challenge - I wasn't as good as some of the Brownies, but in my defence I hadn't skipped for at least twenty years! Northfield's Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Keeley Huxtable was also there and was central to the organisation of the day - well done Keeley.

Then off to North Quinton to do some leafleting about the next bulky refuse collection for the residents there - once again, each and every resident in Quinton will have their own over the course of the municipal year.

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