Friday, May 22, 2009

Harborne Pool Taking Shape

On Wednesday, nearly all of the Councillors across the Constituency met to discuss important local issues.

Top of the list was Harborne Pool, which the Conservative-led Council is committed to rebuilding on its current site. The pool is very popular with Quinton ward residents, especially those who live in the 'B17' part of the ward.

I inspected the plans along with fellow Quinton Councillors Jane James and Len Clark (pictured). There are some very interesting features, including fitness rooms and a grassed roof.

I asked some questions about the suitability of the building in an urban context. A lot of wood is being used externally to improve the visual impact of the building, and I was interested to know how easily any graffiti could be removed from wood. I was informed that the wood facings would not be used on the ground floor. I also asked what features are being designed in to prevent the flat areas, kerbs and so on being poached by skateboarders, and I was assured that this will be addressed at the detailed design stage.

A lot of thought has gone into the plans, and I look forward to the day when residents of Quinton, Harborne and elsewhere can enjoy our new pool.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

European Election Canvassing

I started the day at the launch of the West Midlands Conservatives European election campaign, which the Party held in Edgbaston constituency (which includes Quinton). We heard from many excellent speakers, including all of our European candidates, Cllr Deirdre Alden, Parliamentary Spokesman for the constituency, Cllr Mike Whitby, Leader of Birmingham City Council, leading local businesspeople and others.

Then the real work started - I took a joint team from Birmingham University Conservative Future and City Branch over to Quinton, where we did several hours canvassing. The responses on the doorstep were very positive; we're set for a great result on 4th June, and we're ready for the General Election, whenever it comes.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Supporting Our Forces

Today, I spent a very worthwhile evening attending a presentation by the Royal Air Force at the Jaguar plant. I met many serving members of the RAF and members of the Air Cadets.

I was interested to see the varied career options available to those who wish to join, and the RAF's array of aircraft and other vehicles and equipment is second to none.

I'm always pleased to be able to support any of our armed services. They have a tough and demanding job to do and deserve our support.
Pictured with me are the The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Birmingham and the The Worshipful The Mayor and Mayoress of Solihull.